Thursday, September 11, 2008

Nihoa Day 1

Nihoa is a very special island. It was an honor to be able to step foot on it and help collect seeds to propagate on Laysan for the restoration effort. While I was collecting seeds I was able to view and take photos of some of the wildlife.

Here you can see a Blue-Grey Noddy

A Boobie Chick

Brown Boobie

Either a Brown or Black Noddy, I have difficulting distinguishing the two.

In the lower right you can see a old man-made wall, this is one of the 80-90+ historical sites on the island. The birds seem to enjoy roosting on the walls.

A view of Nihoa from the boat



Hawaiian Monk Seal

This is the landing spot

Matt and Lisa checking out the view

Me, looking at some Monk Seals

Monk Seals

This is the rock bed we walked up to collect seeds

Nihoa Finch (Male)

Cool Plant

Red-tailed Tropicbird

Matt and Lisa going up to collect seeds

Tern of some sort?

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